Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish, a Roman Catholic Church nestled in the beautiful mountains of Clarksburg, West Virginia.  We hope that our website provides you with the information you need to nurture and support your faith here in the parish and beyond.

If you are new to the parish we extend a special welcome to you and pray that you will find a warm home here. Please introduce yourself after Mass or feel free to stop by the Parish Office located in the Parish Hall directly behind the Church.

We invite all our parishioners to join fully in our life at Immaculate Conception Parish.  We serve the community through worship, outreach, education, social activities, sacramental preparation, and comfort to the sick and those who mourn.  Feel free to contact us if we may be of service to you in any way.

Rev. Casey B. Mahone, Pastor


To register with Immaculate Conception parish, use one of the following links:

Printable IC Registration Form                                Online IC Registration Form


Parish Update November 1, 2024



To view Mass livestream click here   


The Men’s Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
The next meeting will be held on December 6, 2024. 
New members are welcome!



Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm


CCD/Youth Ministry:

  • CCD classes are held on Sundays,from 9:15 am to 10:45 am in St. Mary’s Grade School. Registration forms are available on our website, as well as in the church.  CCD serves as the religion class for children in grades Pre-K through 6th who attend public school.
  • The First Reconciliation Class for the Sacrament of Penance will be held Tuesday, November 5 from 6-7:15 pm in Notre Dame High School. Lesson: From the Bible: Adam and Eve.  Classes are held every Tuesday.  For additional information, please contact Sr. Maria, SJI at 304-622-8243.
  • Youth Group – The IC Youth Group will “kick off” on Sunday, November 10th from 5-7 pm in the Parish Center. The parish youth group’s goal is to deepen and develop the faith life of the parish youth while having fun and serving the community. All parish youth, grades 7-12, are welcome to attend. Youth Group is MANDATORY for those who are to be confirmed next year (current 8th and 9th graders). Food will be provided. Mark your calendars for future Youth Group dates: 12/8, 1/12, 2/9, 3/9, and 4/6 (final gathering).  For more information, please contact or Sr. Maria, SJI at 304-622-8243 or smichirandu@gmail.com.





OCIA (formerly RCIA)
Adult Education (OCIA) If you are interested in converting to Catholicism or if you were baptized Catholic and are interested in learning more about your faith, we offer OCIA (The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes. A registration form can be found online. For more information, call the parish office @ 304.622.8243 and leave your name and number. Father Casey will return your call. Upcoming events:  November 1, All Saints Day Mass; November 3, Tour of the Church after the 11:00 Mass. OCIA will meet Thursday, November 7 at 7 pm. The topic is The Liturgical Calendar.

Parish Nurse Ministry

Parish Nurse Ministry:

    • The Health Fair will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2
      from 10AM to 2PM in the Parish Center. Available will be: Dental, Hearing, Vision screenings; Vaccines for Flu, COVID, RSV and Pneumonia (if you have insurance cards, please bring them for the vaccines) some
      vouchers will be available for the uninsured). Free and open to the public hope to see you there.
    • The Parish Nurse Ministry is sponsoring a baking basket
      rafle to help fund our programs. This basket contains $383.00 worth of Pampered Chef Products plus many other items. Tickets will be sold for $2.00 each and are available from any member of the Ministry. Tickets will be sold at the Health Fair on Nov. 2. We also will be selling
      tickets afer all Masses the weekend of October 26 and 27. Thank you in advance for your support. Call Theresa White at 304-669-6063 with any questions. The drawing will be held at the end of the health Fair on Nov. 2.
    • The next meeting of the Parish Nurse Ministry is November 11 at 6 pm.  Anyone in the healthcare field is welcome to attend.
    • The last meeting for the Fall session for the seasons of Hope Bereavement Group will be Saturday, November 9 from 10 am to Noon. Please call Theresa White at 304- 669-6063 or Mary Jo Flaherty at 304-622-4147 with any questions. 
    • Enjoy the September Parish Nurse Newsletter.



Social Media - Parish FaceBook Page Links


Catholic Schools Websites

Notre Dame   Saint Mary's




Holy Cross Cemetery Website

Diocesan Links

Promise to Protect - Promise to Heal

To report an incidence of suspected child sexual abuse, please contact your local law enforcement agency, or you may confidentially contact WV Child Protective Services at 800.352.6513. In addition to civil authorities, to report suspected cases of sexual abuse by personnel of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, please contact the Diocese at 888.434.6237 or 304.233.0880.Please visit www.dwc.org under “Accountability” for additional information and reporting methods.

Mass Times/Services - Church

Monday/Tuesday - 8:00 am
Wednesday - 7:00 pm
Thursday/Friday - 8:00 am
Saturday - 4:30 pm
Sunday - 8:00 am; 11:00 am

Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3-4 pm.

Spanish Mass is held on Sundays at 9:15 am in the Church.

November 1, 2024
All Saints Day
Masses: 8am, Noon, 7pm

November 2, 2024
All Souls Day
Mass: 8am

Next Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration will be held on Friday, November 1, in the Church from 4-5 pm.

Faithful Bakers

Watch for information about baking opportunities.  All volunteers must be Virtus trained, a requirement from the Diocese of Wheeling Charleston.



Parish Family Guild

Thanksgiving Food Baskets donations needed. We will be collecting nonperishable food items November 1–22 to provide a Thanksgiving meal for those less fortunate this holiday season. Items needed: canned vegetables (corn & green beans), instant mashed potatoes, boxes of stuffing mix, canned yams, canned cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, jars of gravy or gravy packets, cake mixes and canned frosting. You can drop off the food in the vestibule of the church in the bins marked, “Thanksgiving Food Baskets”.  Distribution Day for Thanksgiving Food Baskets is Sunday, November 24, 2-4pm.

Are you interested in participating with the Family Guild?  If so, please contact Missy McAra at 304-695-2175.  All volunteers must be Virtus Trained.

Online Giving, Donations, etc.

 Click  the  image  below  for  our Contribution  Page

Upcoming Parish Events



View all events »

First Communion & Crowning 2024

IC Memorial Brick Garden

Immaculate Conception  Memorial Garden Memorial Bricks on the Main Street Patio
of the Parish Center can be engraved with up to 3 lines and a total of 48 characters.
Cost per brick is $100 and checks should be made
out to I. C.  (Immaculate Conception Church). 
For more information, call the office
at 304-622-8243.
To request a memorial brick click here


  • Sun, Nov 10th

  • Sun, Nov 3rd
