CCD/Religious Education
Children'a Faith Formation:
I want to welcome all families to a new year of our Religious Education Program. The past three years were particularly hard years for us all but thank God we all perservered. We wish to thank you in advance for caring for your children enough to educate them in the Faith. Our CCD program is designed to help, not replace, the faith formation your children receive at home.
Immaculate Conception Parish welcomes all families and encourages parents to register students in our religious education program (CCD) who are not enrolled in our Catholic School.
CCD Registration:
Registration will take place at the parish picnic, and on the last weekend in August and first two weekends in September. A registration letter and form were mailed to those enrolled in the program last year. For the first time registrants, please bring Baptismal/First Holy Communion certificates. All families should register with the parish before children may be registered in the CCD Program.
Our CCD Program begins the third weekend of September and ends the first weekend in May. Religious education classes at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church are held on Sundays throughout the school year for Pre-K through 8th grade, from 9:30 am - 10:45 am at St. Mary's Grade School. Although we try to follow the Harrison County School Board schedule, there are times when our classes cannot meet, usually due to Holy Days of Obligation. Please check the CCD schedule for the correect days the classes meet.
Religious Education sessions are conducted by faithful, educated, dedicated volunteers. All volunteers are members of ur Parish. These Volunteers had a background check conducted and have completed the Diocesan requirements of the "Protecting God's Children" program. Theses catechists help parents hand on the Catholic Faith to their children. If yu are interested to volunteer, contact Sr. Maria SJI at 304-622-8243 or email
SACRAMENTS REQUIREMENTS: First Reconciliation, Holy Communion
Mass attendance is required for both programs. The Mass is the souce and summit of our Faith and therefore should become the center of our lives.
We ask that children begin by first grade, in order to be prepared to receive their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in the second grade. Further, Candidates seeking to celebrate Confirmation are to attend seventh and eighth grade CCD and the Confirmandi will then receive the Sacrament in grade 9.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion (normally 2nd grade) classes meet in Notre Dame High School and are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm beginning October and end in May.
Thank you for entrusting to us the continued religious education of your children!
We look forward to a prayerful, fun, and holy year!
Prayers, Sr. Maria Rukwishuro SJI